The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Walking the Buddha's Path: Taking Refuge in a Human Teacher
2024-05-23 Walking the Buddha's Path: Taking Refuge in a Human Teacher 34:51
Gregory Kramer
Offered May 23, 2024 Gregory Kramer invites the Insight Dialogue Community to celebrate Vesak together. Vesak day is a celebration and recognition of the Buddha’s birth, awakening and death. It usually occurs on the first full moon of May. A common intention set on this day is a recommitment to Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha. This is a day to remember the Buddha's legacy and celebrate our potential for progress on the path to liberation, just as Gotama did before his awakening. In this talk, Gregory offers the following contemplations: Do you sense your own humanity? your own potential our own vulnerability? Does your own humanity connect you to the Buddha? and inspire you?
Insight Dialogue Community

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