The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Insight Dialogue Community
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2014-05-22 Dana 23:34
Gregory Kramer
Contemplation on 1. Non-giving, with Pause and Relax; 2. Giving, in life; here and now.
Insight Dialogue Community (Lake Doniphan) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2014-05-22 Guideline: Pause 16:33
Gregory Kramer
cut short
Insight Dialogue Community (Lake Doniphan) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2014-05-14 Trust Emergence: meeting the changing nature of experience with mindfulness 24:08
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community (Samish Island Campground)

2013-06-07 Dana 18:26
Gregory Kramer
Contemplation on Dana
Insight Dialogue Community (Garrison Institute) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2013-06-07 The Pause in Relationship 40:28
Gregory Kramer
What is your conflict-the facts; In the body-mind; your internal strategies; both. Gregory Kramer with Gina Sharpe
Insight Dialogue Community (Garrison Institute) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2013-06-07 The Genesis of Speech 52:00
Gregory Kramer
Listen Deeply - Speak the Truth Expression and Vibration
Insight Dialogue Community (Garrison Institute) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2012-10-02 Insight Dialogue Guidelines: V. Speak the Truth 22:51
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community Introduction to the Insight Dialogue Guidelines

2012-10-02 Insight Dialogue Guidelines: V. Listen Deeply 15:50
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community Introduction to the Insight Dialogue Guidelines

2012-10-02 Insight Dialogue Guidelines: IV. Trust Emergence 13:34
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community Introduction to the Insight Dialogue Guidelines

2012-10-02 Insight Dialogue Guidelines: III. Open 15:03
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community Introduction to the Insight Dialogue Guidelines

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