The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Insight Dialogue Community
2015-05-24 I Am The Heir To My Actions 7:47
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community (Samish Island Campground) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-12 Wisdom and Love 11:41
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-12 Factors of the Path 35:42
Gregory Kramer
1. Sati in groups of 3; 2. Right view; 3. Intention; 4. Effort; 5. Whole Life
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-12 Three Bases of Insight Dialogue 39:28
Gregory Kramer
Contemplations on Meditative Qualities of the Mind, Wisdom, and Relationship.
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-11 Craving and Becoming 26:36
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-11 The Three Hungers 27:08
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-11 Adjacency; skill in practice 22:03
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-10 Sensitivity/Tanha 54:52
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-09 Mutuality of Trust; Mutuality of respect 19:30
Gregory Kramer
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2015-04-09 Roles 48:58
Gregory Kramer
Practice with the guidelines Speak the Truth and Listen Deeply by contemplating roles you were born into and roles you chose.
Insight Dialogue Community (Insight Retreat Center) Insight Dialogue Retreat

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